• It is not the critic who counts…

    It’s the man in the ARENA

  • Your ideas become our task list.
    Your goals become our mission.

    Your success is our

    – Aaron Cohen


  • acquire the tools to thrive
    in today’s marketplace

    Government Affairs


  • build relationships &
    enhance your market presence

    Business Development


  • build relationships &
    enhance your market presence

    Strategic Planning



    Your goals are our to-do list and your success is our mission statement.
    Please click below to find out more about our services.


    Arena Strategies is one of the premiere government affairs firms in the nation with far reaching connections, a cutting-edge company offering unique solutions to achieve your goals.  Whether you seek help with government affairs, business development or strategic planning Arena Strategies creates unique solutions.   Arena Strategies understands that in a crowded marketplace innovation is needed in order to continue to succeed.  We believe in that too – offering new expanded services for clients and constantly working to form new relationships to help your organization lead in an evolving world.


    US Capitol building, where Arena advances our clients' government affairs goals

    Government Affairs

    Arena Strategies will assess your needs and put our relationships and skills to work for you. We work with the government so that your organization can work better for the people.

    people coming to an agreement on their business development plan

    Business Development

    Arena’s business development services are designed to enhance your market presence by building relationships with other organizations and targeted coalitions.

    PAC Management

    Arena Strategies is recognized as the one-stop-shop for all things PAC management. We offer a range of services to fit any PAC’s needs – whether you are an established committee or wondering where to start.

    people working on strategic planning for their company

    Strategic Planning

    Strategic planning is the roadmap to every successful organization, business or project. Arena Strategies is so committed to that credo, we included it in our name!